Home Product Spotlight: Stuck in Bed Fitness

Product Spotlight: Stuck in Bed Fitness

By Jolene Montgomery

Have you ever been stuck in bed or are you a wheelchair user or just wanting a total gym of absolute convenience?

Crazy question, offensive to some, certainly bringing up memories one might forget. On the other hand, if you have ever been stuck in bed or are a wheelchair user for any significant time, you remember how quickly your muscles atrophied and you stopped feeling like Superman and could begin feeling like a broken-down wimp. You want to get your blood moving, breathe deeply, get stronger than you may have imagined, feel alive again and the tools are… where? You’ll find them at Stuck in Bed Fitness!

Achieve Wellness without Leaving your Bed

Personal Trainer and Wellness Specialist Joseph M. Salamon saw the situation and imagined a solution. What could solve the problem for such a diverse group, which would includes millions in the USA alone?

Who could imagine a perfect and complete system that works for seniors, patients in nursing homes, people who were significantly overweight, people who were drastically underweight, post-surgical patients, moms on bedrest, people in wheelchairs, folks who never leave their recliners, injured athletes, returning veterans, people post-stroke, post brain injury…pretty much everyone at one time in his or her life… (and, of course, their family members who are able-bodied can benefit just the same!)

With the partnership of Dr. Sam Salamon and mechanical engineer Vlad Feldman, Joe created a customizable fitness and therapy complete solution that can be affixed to a bed, recliner, wheelchair and so on. It allows the individual with a disability to remain healthy and active, even if they are not mobile at any facility or home.

The team behind invention and development of this product have been dedicated to promoting good health for their whole careers. They understand that blood flow leads to good health and respect the body’s ability to heal itself. According to Joesph Salamon, CEO of Stuck in Bed Fitness Solutions LLC, this product is the “ultimate fat fighting and muscle building machine for anyone at any age and stage.”

“With the upsurge in stem cell research, steroid treatments and hydrotherapies, it is even more important to make sure your body stays healthy enough for the new technologies to work,” says Joseph. “It is also important to keep the equipment user-friendly, lightweight and easy to move to accommodate different situations. People are more flexible these days and need different options in their health programs, and we are excited to announce that our travel version Viper System is even more portable. It comes with the big spider system and can be utilized in a car, bus, plane…virtually anywhere!”

Joseph would like to see a world where regular gyms incorporated equipment for all levels of ability, in a world that would incorporate tools for everyone “like a Swiss army knife.” His Ultimate Workout and Recovery system could easily and inexpensively be incorporated into every gym around the country by being bolted into the ground.

“The idea is this,” says Joseph finally, “when you give someone an easy way to get their blood moving, their muscles stronger and their body more flexible—as well as providing a powerful fat fighting fun and exciting option—it opens up the world to them.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are stuck in bed, if you are a short or long-term wheelchair user, if you are at home in a recliner often, or in a rut. As my kids would say,” Joe grins. “It sucks to be stuck, and we provide the unstuck solution.”

For more information about the Stuck in Bed Recovery System, visit www.stuckinbedfitness.com

Endorsed by World famous Cleveland Clinic Wellness Chief Dr. Michael Roizen.

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