Home Community News Assistive Tech Yelp-Style App Gives the 411 on Access

Yelp-Style App Gives the 411 on Access

What if you could know before you go? Would you take more chances, would you try something new? I personally feel that every day as a wheelchair user can be a test of your comfort zone. For some (even myself at times), I feel that this can be a hindrance on how we go through life. Sometimes it’s easier to have a plan and to know what you are getting yourself into before you show up somewhere. It’s the whole reason for my new mobile app, iAccess Life, which is revolutionizing accessibility. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s my story…

Fall fashion

App Rates Accessibility Worldwide

My injury occurred in my earlier years. I was 14 years old, chasing my lifelong dream of becoming a professional motocross racer, when one day the rug was pulled out from beneath my feet, almost literally! I was in a race, when I was sent flying through the air off my bike. Had the bike flown 2 feet in any other direction, I probably wouldn’t be here today writing this article. It would have just been another crash that would’ve left me a little worse for the wear, but instead the bike hit me directly in the back. It was one of the most surreal feelings, becoming aware of your own impending new life. What will I do? How will I get around? How much is my life about to change?


I wanted everything to be as normal as possible. I hated when people would go way out of their way to help me or treat me any different than the way did before. To get back into my groove, I travelled with friends, went to the lake, rode jet skis and started racing go karts. Through these adventures, I would notice a lack of accessibility from place to place. I would feel like a burden to a good time, if I wasn’t able to enter a venue or if I had an accident because I wasn’t able to access a bathroom.

After attending a NYE church service, with a message that had us focus on what we could do for our community instead of ourselves, the idea for an application that would be the YELP of accessibility hit me like a ton of bricks. It made no sense why we didn’t have accessibility information at our fingertips! I had no marketing, business or application developing skills that would suit me in this venture, all I knew was that no matter what, I would find a way to make this happen. At first, the pride of wanting to do this on my own, impeded any real sort of progress. Fortunately, I was able to meet my business partner as well as a couple other people who would later join my board of advisers and would be instrumental into getting iAccess Innovations off the launchpad.

What once seemed like a distant dream, has now become reality. I am so happy and proud to introduce the world to my mobile application iAccess Life. We have just recently launched into the iOS and Google Play stores. We have already amassed over 1300 accessibility ratings of unique places, in over 30 different states and 10 different countries. The current goal for iAccess is to grow slow and steady, as we roll-out new and exciting features that will allow users to find out what’s going on in their area via a social feed, book accessible accommodations for travel, as well as find sports and outdoor activities to participate in.

iAccess App for People with Disabilities

Your Input on Access Pays it Forward

At this point in time, we are trying to amass as many ratings and reviews as possible. We are planning to accomplish this through our brand ambassador contests that will being giving out cash prizes as well as prizes from companies that we have partnered with! These ambassadors will pave the way for those who may be going through what I was 11 years ago, while I was laying in the hospital coming to terms with my new normal.

Sign up for iAccess Life and our brand ambassador program today so that YOU can make a difference for those who are working on transitioning back to an independent and empowering lifestyle.

iAccess Logo

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