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Assistive Tech

The beaten path—the typical way of doing things—takes you from A to B to C until you arrive at D. So what if your situation prevents that B-to-C connection? Quit? No way, you just need a different path. Maybe from A to B, out to S, and back around to J before winding your way back to D. You are still getting where you need to go

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  • Why Smart Cities Are Good News for Disabled Citizens

    Why Smart Cities Are Good News for Disabled Citizens

    By Emila Smith Smart cities are a concept that always seemed to lie somewhere over the next technological horizon. However, with the advancement of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing it seems that the age of smart cities is finally upon us. This is good news for all citizens, especially for those…

  • Empowering Independence with Keyword Detection Technology

    Empowering Independence with Keyword Detection Technology

    By Holly Klamer Imagine the freedom to navigate through daily interactions with less dependence on direct human assistance; this is not a distant dream, but a present reality thanks to the strides in keyword detection technology tailored for individuals with disabilities. As technology evolves, it carves out spaces that were once filled with obstacles, transforming…

  • How Smart Home Technology Transforms the Lives of People with Disabilities

    How Smart Home Technology Transforms the Lives of People with Disabilities

    By Briana Hilton According to the U.S. Census Bureau, around 13% of the US population have a disability, meaning that over 42 million US citizens experience hearing, vision, walking, cognitive, self-care or independent living difficulties. These numbers, coupled with the remote work boom, mean that people are spending more time at home. For those with disabilities,…

  • Digital Embrace: How Technology Can Comfort and Empower Our Aging Loved Ones

    Digital Embrace: How Technology Can Comfort and Empower Our Aging Loved Ones

    By Danika Kimball In the soft, golden years of our parents’ lives, as the pace slows and the quiet settles in, technology emerges not as a towering wave of complexity, but as a soothing current, carrying potential for connection, safety, and independence. This guide will help navigate the gentle integration of technology into the lives…

  • Communication Devices for People with Cerebral Palsy

    Communication Devices for People with Cerebral Palsy

    By Scott Vezina Traditional forms of communication can be a struggle for people who have cerebral palsy, who may have trouble speaking due to muscle spasms in their throat, mouth or tongue. They may also have hearing impairments, which can make hearing and forming the proper sounds associated with speech more difficult. Communication devices can…

  • First Winnebago Accessibility Enhanced Roam Camper Van Hits the Open Road

    First Winnebago Accessibility Enhanced Roam Camper Van Hits the Open Road

    Abilities Expo exhibitors La Mesa RV and Winnebago are pleased to announce the first delivery of the Winnebago Roam, the first accessibility enhanced camper van from Winnebago. Both La Mesa RV and Winnebago recognize that there is a growing need for factory-built accessible camper vans and motorhomes, as exhibited at Abilities Expos. The delivery recently took place on La Mesa’s…

  • A Disabled Driver’s Guide to Car Buying

    A Disabled Driver’s Guide to Car Buying

    Elizabeth Long Having the ability to get yourself where you need to be, enjoy your hobbies and be able to see friends is a huge source of happiness and fulfillment. It gives you a sense of freedom and independence, and is also vital in reducing reliance on other people when you make plans. For some…

  • Donning AFOs with one hand? Not possible…until now!

    Donning AFOs with one hand? Not possible…until now!

    By Diane Vitillo, MS, OTR, PTA, CAPS, Original AFO Assist When I was 5 years old, polio was not part of the life I had imagined for myself. In the early 1950’s, thousands of children in the US were stricken with polio. Two of my playmates contracted the disease, but I was the lucky one…I didn’t…

  • Virtually the Latest and the Greatest!

    Virtually the Latest and the Greatest!

    By Jolene Montgomery You come to the Abilities Expos to network, check out workshops, view the dancing … and see the latest and greatest products in the disability universe. Now, without donning a mask or leaving your couch, here’s a preview of 5 New Products available at the Abilities Virtual Experience, perfect for gifting friends,…

  • What Should You Look for in an Accessible Vehicle?

    What Should You Look for in an Accessible Vehicle?

    By Lauren McKinnie Whether you’ll be utilizing a wheelchair ramp van to get around yourself or you’re looking into how to operate one for a loved one, there are many ins and outs of these assistance vans that you’ll want to know. When it comes to wheelchair vans, there are two different types of mechanisms that can…

  • Yelp-Style App Gives the 411 on Access

    Yelp-Style App Gives the 411 on Access

    By Brandon Winfield, iAccess Life What if you could know before you go? Would you take more chances, would you try something new? I personally feel that every day as a wheelchair user can be a test of your comfort zone. For some (even myself at times), I feel that this can be a hindrance on…

  • Researchers Use Electricity for Pain in Amputated Limbs

    Researchers Use Electricity for Pain in Amputated Limbs

    By Nate Crosby, SPR Therapeutics, LLC Nearly 1.7 million Americans are living with an amputation and another almost 200,000 will undergo an amputation this year. The number of people living with amputation is expected to continue to climb as America deals with an unprecedented, epidemic level of obesity and diabetes. Following amputation many people report…