Home Community News Parents & Caregivers Get Your Business Running Strong as a Parent with a Disability

Get Your Business Running Strong as a Parent with a Disability

According to many entrepreneurs, owning a small business is the American dream, and if you have a genuine desire to see your new company thrive, then nothing should hold you back. If you are a parent with a disability, you may think that the deck is stacked against you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. With the right resources, know-how and a bit of financial assistance, you can see your company thrive under any circumstance.


Return to School

If you are planning to start a business in a field that you are unfamiliar with, or you just want to freshen up your business skills, returning to school may be a great first step. There are many facets of running a successful business that you will need to be familiar with, and one way to get the expertise you need is to earn a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) degree where you can learn a bevy of essential skills, including corporate finance and accounting, economics, strategic planning, and the most promising methods of marketing your services to the masses.

As a parent with disabilities, it may be hard to attend a physical university while also managing your responsibilities at home, so it’s a smart idea to get your MBA through an online program. That way, you can attend your classes at your convenience and comfort and still receive the same quality education.

Look for Financial Assistance

No matter how well you plan, it can be difficult to afford a return to school while also spending money to build a business. It is okay to ask for help. The first step may be to apply for a business loan through the Small Business Association. These loans can provide the seed money to help your venture get off the ground.

While a loan is great, a grant is even better. Business grants come in a variety of options. The federal government, in fact, has several geared for disabled entrepreneurs. Grants are great because they do not always need to be paid back, and there is a variety of them available through various organizations and foundations.

Grants and loans can also help you go back to school. The Individuals with Disabilities Act, passed in 1975, came with many new loans, grants, scholarships, and fellowships designed to help those with disabilities receive the same quality education as everyone else.

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Practice Self-Care

It is no easy task for anyone to start a new business while having children running around the house and managing a disability. This is why it is important to practice self-care as you build your new life. This means not letting stress get to you and remaining laser-focused on your work and family.

Being your best self when going through a challenging time begins with healthy living. Eating the right foods and get some movement in. Better yet, spend time outdoors—it can do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing. According to the Center for Disease Control, 150 minutes of exercise a week will help you to feel better in body and mind to prepare you for the long day ahead.

You also want to get plenty of sleep. By getting your seven to nine hours a night, you will not only feel well-rested in the morning, but you’ll also think more clearly the next day. And right now, proper concentration is more important than ever.

RELATED: Mattress Guide for People with Disabilities

As you can see, attempting to start a business and raise your children while dealing with a disability is not easy, but it is possible. By following the tips above, you can make it work and build the company of which you always dreamed.

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