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Abilities Expo Impacts Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor

In 2013, amidst the chaos of the Boston Marathon bombings, an entire city and nation emerged as symbols of resilience and strength. As one of the most severely wounded who endured the tragic event, Marc Fucarile faced a long and arduous road to recovery. A father to a five-year-old boy named Gavin at the time of the bombing, his life was forever altered as he became a right leg above the knee amputee, with his left leg salvaged but forever changed.

Marc Fucarile

Navigating the Early Road to Recovery as an Amputee

Despite the challenges he faced, Marc received unwavering support of all kinds—emotional, functional, and financial. Organizations like the America’s Fund stood by his side, providing crucial assistance during his darkest days. After regaining consciousness days later, he found himself in and out of hospitals for over three years, navigating a new reality he never could have imagined.

Although not a veteran, he spent a year at Walter Reed Hospital, where he was permitted to receive care due to the nature of the terrorist attack. He underwent countless surgeries and procedures and was thrust into a world he didn’t understand, where decisions had to be made hastily and resources were scarce. Making a purchase of the wrong wheelchair, even though it was the most expensive, highlighted the challenges he faced in finding the right tools for his recovery.

Marc Fucarile

It took years for him to find all of the optimal medical devices and equipment he needed to return to full and productive life, a journey marked by setbacks and frustrations. Even the most obvious and necessary aids, such as finding the right socket and prosthetic, were a painful journey of trial on error.

Marc Fucarile

However, a turning point came when he attended his first Abilities Expo. In just 15 minutes, Marc gleaned more insights from the disabled community than in his entire time in hospitals, underscoring the power of shared experiences and support.

Launching M.A.R.C. Network to Aid and Connect People with Mobility Impairments

Today, Marc has returned to an active and full life, completing 8 full marathons on a hand-cycle, playing competitive sled hockey, and enjoying skiing with his family. He has dedicated his time to giving back, volunteering with numerous organizations such as Camp No Limits, Achilles, Granite State Adaptive, and Easter Seals.

Marc Fucarile

His personal mission to aid others facing similar recovery challenges led him to found the reMARCable Foundation and the Mobility Awareness Resource Community (MARC) Network, an online platform and mobile app designed to offer a sanctuary of support, inspiration and resources to those grappling with mobility impairment.

Marc plans to attend all of the remaining Abilities Expo events as an exhibitor in 2024, including the New York Metro event on May 3-5. If you will be at this Expo in Edison, NJ, stop by booth #451 to say hello and join him on his remarkable journey of resilience, recovery and giving back to those in need. For those seeking to connect with the MARC Network community, a free app is available for download here in the Apple and Google Play stores. More information can be found at https://marcnetwork.world.

You can also connect directly with Marc via FacebookInstagramTikTok and LinkedIn and with the MARC Network community via Instagram, Facebook, TikTokX and LinkedIn.

Marc Fucarile

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