Home Abilities365.com Features Motion Concepts

Abilities365.com Features Motion Concepts

At Motion Concepts, the customer reigns supreme. With each piece of their extensive range of power positioning and seating products, they endeavor to shape their products around people. Regardless of the product solution’s simplicity or complexity, Motion Concepts stands ready to provide options like tilt—center of gravity tilt, recline, pre-cline, lateral tilt, anterior tIlt—to alleviate pressure, or the added function of power elevating seat to access out-of-reach items.

Combine this with the MaTRx line of seating products, Flo-tech cushions, an adjustable line of posture and elite backs, and other accessories and you are in a very supportive, very comfy ride! (And one that works in harmony with virtually every power base on the market.)

We could go on, but wouldn’t you rather hear about the people whose challenges have been met and who lives are improved thanks to Motion Concepts myriad of products?

Meet Matthew

Not long after his first birthday, Matthew developed a heartbreaking infection that led to the amputation of both his arms and legs. When he outgrew his first power chair, his parents worried that they would not be able to secure another that fit. Motion Concepts to the rescue with a Motion Concepts Attitude on a third generation Invacare Storm base!

Matthew is now ready for the world, and especially school, with his “scooper” chair. He just maneuvers himself onto the platform, flicks a toggle switch and can position himself to troll the hallways just like the other kids.

Meet Edith

She’s 92 years young and not about to let that tumor in her leg or the resulting surgery keep her from living life. To make sure this matriarch is exceedingly comfortable all day long entertaining family and friends from her seated position, she has equipped her Invacare Patriot chair with a MaTRx-V cushion.

Meet Keith

Keith’s pushing 60 and faced with a diagnosis of MS, but he’s got a job to do. He drives to work at the Ohio State Medical Center in his hand controlled van and lives in a new accessible house that he had custom designed. When his dismissing mobility made mounting and dismounting his scooter impossible, he needed a new solution for his new circumstances.

Keith was prescribed a Motion Concepts system with a Power Center Mount Foot Platform on a Jazzy base. The specialized foot platform and 10 degree anterior pivot assist help him with self transfers. His system was pre-approved and paid for prior to purchase through his primary care health insurance provider (through his job). Because he is considered obese at 290 lbs, in addition to this new system, Keith went through a weight stabilizing program through his employer and feels he is doing well.

Motion Concepts is always coming up with new ways to improve quality of life for its customers, so stay tuned to see what their crack research and product development team comes up with next. We already know it will meet a specific need identified within the Community and, as with the rest of its vast selections, it will achieve that delicate balance between common sense experience and cutting-edge tech.

For more on Motion Concepts, please click here.

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