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  • Researchers Use Electricity for Pain in Amputated Limbs

    Researchers Use Electricity for Pain in Amputated Limbs

    By Nate Crosby, SPR Therapeutics, LLC Nearly 1.7 million Americans are living with an amputation and another almost 200,000 will undergo an amputation this year. The number of people living with amputation is expected to continue to climb as America deals with an unprecedented, epidemic level of obesity and diabetes. Following amputation many people report…

  • 7 Habits of Successful Travelers

    7 Habits of Successful Travelers

    By Ashley Lynn Olson, wheelchairtraveling.com Planning your dream vacation, looking to getaway or just need to travel for business or otherwise? The world is perfectly accessible to everyone, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can prepare for anything. Whether you are looking for leisure or adventure, there is something for all. 1. To the…

  • New Film Highlights Incredible, Hard-Earned Recovery Post SCI

    New Film Highlights Incredible, Hard-Earned Recovery Post SCI

    By Shaina Ostroff Fifteen years after a profoundly life-altering accident, Aaron Baker lives a life that medical professionals never would have believed possible. A motocross racer deemed a complete quadriplegic after a training accident in 1999, Baker is now fully independent, walking only with a single-point cane, and accomplishing huge feats of physical and mental endurance. His…

  • Ambassadors Impact Lives on the Show Floor and Beyond

    Ambassadors Impact Lives on the Show Floor and Beyond

    By Margarita Elizondo, CEO and Founder of Rolling With Me and Abilities Expo Ambassador In order to truly show the community that you serve how much you love them, the most empowering thing you can do is add them to your team to serve alongside you. Abilities Expo Ambassadors are leaders in the community with…

  • #ThisIsHowI Campaign Showcases What’s Possible

    #ThisIsHowI Campaign Showcases What’s Possible

    By Brittany Dejean, AbleThrive Join AbleThrive on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd to celebrate abilities with the #ThisIsHowI campaign. The campaign kicks off on this day and showcases life with a disability to hgihlight what’s possible. We encourage people all over the world to take photos and/or 10-20 second videos of the…

  • Medicaid Cuts to Complex Rehabilitation Technology Threaten Access for Disability Community

    Medicaid Cuts to Complex Rehabilitation Technology Threaten Access for Disability Community

    By Don Clayback, NCART Cuts to Illinois’ Medicaid program are squeezing Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT) providers to the point where they are not be able to provide services to the nearly 4,000 Illinois residents who depend on the state to pay for CRT equipment. Two Leading CRT Providers Unable to Participate in Medicaid Illinois spends a…

  • Turn Frustrations over Accessibility into Teachable Moments

    Turn Frustrations over Accessibility into Teachable Moments

    By Paul Lane, Abilities Expo Ambassador and KMET 1490 AM Radio Host When you think of the word education what comes to your mind? If you’re like me you think of schooling or some type of training. When it comes to frustration, what are some of the words that are swirling in your head? Probably…

  • Enraged Father Sounds Off, but Was he Heard?

    Enraged Father Sounds Off, but Was he Heard?

    By Chris Kain, kellisaspath.com It’s a constant battle; I have to dig deep not to hurt someone who is hurting Kellisa. I understand why so many families with children with disabilities stay home. It’s easy. It’s safe. My rage was on full display last Friday evening. After we passed through security at the Sacramento airport, I…

  • Life’s a Beach in the World’s Top 11 Accessible Shores

    Life’s a Beach in the World’s Top 11 Accessible Shores

    By Cory Lee, CurbFreeWithCoryLee.com Is there anything like going to the beach? The sea air, the surf, the incredible vistas…the sand gumming up the works of your wheelchair. OK, so beach bumming it in a chair is not without its challenges. Nevertheless, many exotic locales throughout the world offer beaches that are wheelchair friendly, you just…

  • Let’s Go Wheelin’ in Beantown

    Let’s Go Wheelin’ in Beantown

    By Cory Lee, CurbFreeWithCoryLee.com Will you be visiting Boston for the Abilities Expo September 18th-20th and want to take in all that this wonderful city has to offer? Well, you’re in luck my friend. Following is a list of some of the best wheelchair accessible attractions and sites to see in the city. Consider this to…

  • Wheeling California’s Coast

    Wheeling California’s Coast

    Hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to California’s famed coastline each year to enjoy its spectacular scenery and abundant recreational opportunities. But visiting broad sandy beaches and steep, rocky bluffs can be challenging for people who need a fairly level, firm path of travel—be they wheelchair riders, parents pushing strollers or people who use canes…

  • Rollin’ in the Windy City

    Rollin’ in the Windy City

    By Cory Lee, CurbFreeWithCoryLee.com Chicago is known for being the Windy City, having great food, shopping, and of course the hustle and bustle. No wonder it is such a popular tourist destination. However, it is also quite wheelchair friendly too. Following are the top things to do the next time you find yourself in Chicago. Navy…