Current Events

When the groundbreaking Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1991, civil rights activist Justin Dart, Jr. said, “It is the world’s first declaration of equality for people with disabilities by any nation. It will proclaim to America and to the world that people with disabilities are fully human; that paternalistic, discriminatory, segregationist attitudes are no longer acceptable; and that henceforth people with disabilities must be accorded the same personal respect and the same social and economic opportunities as other people.”

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  • How to Determine Career-Fit: A Guide for People with Disabilities

    How to Determine Career-Fit: A Guide for People with Disabilities

    By Paul Bates, SolidEssay Embarking on a new career is an exciting, challenging and sometimes terrifying prospect and, regardless of your level of ability, finding the right fit requires research and patience. Three Main Factors in Choosing Employment It is up to you to look at the factors above as well as your own personality and decide what…

  • Colleges Resolve to Improve Employment Outlook for Students with Disabilities

    Colleges Resolve to Improve Employment Outlook for Students with Disabilities

    By David Block When Temple University sophomore Katherine Gardner graduated from high school nearly 10 years ago, her biggest challenge working in retail was keeping her partial blindness a secret. “Every day, the context was, ‘I have to be careful because I don’t want to get fired today,’” said Gardner, 28. She never brought her…

  • How to Write the Perfect Resume for a Job Seeker with Disabilities

    How to Write the Perfect Resume for a Job Seeker with Disabilities

    By Mary Walton, Simple Grad Writing a resume is difficult at the best of times, but many job seekers with disabilities come up against many unique obstacles that may, at first, seem difficult to overcome. Recently, the times have changed, especially in the States where the Americans with Disabilities Act now protects you from discrimination in…

  • People Making a Difference: Andrew Skinner and Triumph Foundation

    People Making a Difference: Andrew Skinner and Triumph Foundation

    People Making a Difference: Andrew Skinner and Triumph Foundation Christmas, 2004 was supposed to be the pinnacle celebration to an exceptional year for Andrew Skinner. That year, he had met Kirsten, the girl of his dreams, graduated with his BS in Business, and landed a well-paying job. Life was good. But… Instead of celebrating around the sparkling…

  • Join the Movement! Vote With Heart!

    Join the Movement! Vote With Heart!

    What are you doing right…this…second? If your answer is logging onto and joining 3E Love’s campaign to empower Americans who are passionate about disability rights, then…kudos! It will only take a minute of your time to pledge to #VoteWithHeart and unite with a coalition of voices who are determined to create positive change for the disability…

  • REV UP for National Disability Voter Registration Week

    REV UP for National Disability Voter Registration Week

    By Zach Baldwin, American Association of People with Disabilities There are over 35 million people with disabilities who are eligible to vote in the U.S. This number increases to over 62 million when we include family members in the same household, according to Rutgers University. The number of “disability voters” continues to grow when we consider the…