Inclusive Recreation

Why is “play” just the purview of children? Who says that all of the wonderful benefits that the action of playing provides the kiddos—like promoting social interaction, creativity, problem solving, self-esteem, positivity, relationship building and so on—aren’t just as important for adults? Frivolity, enjoyment and escape are as vital as they are easy to dismiss.

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  • Checkmate! How a Power Chair and a Game Changed my Life

    Checkmate! How a Power Chair and a Game Changed my Life

    By Michael Lenox, Illinois Chess Vets My name is Michael Lenox, Chief Petty Officer Submarine/Diver USN (Ret). I am currently the Founder/President of Illinois Chess Vets NFP, a Board member for Illinois Chess Association NFP, and a committee member for the US Chess Federation (USCF) Special Needs and Circumstance Committee. Twelve years ago, I had a major stroke…

  • Take Control of Your Pain

    Take Control of Your Pain

    By Casey Cashman, U.S. Pain Foundation Chronic pain touches millions of Americans. The mission of the U.S. Pain Foundation is to educate, connect, inform and empower those living with pain while advocating on behalf of the entire pain community. One of our most popular initiatives is our U.S. Pain patient-education days and summits, Take Control of Your…

  • Target Features Model with Disabilities to Pitch Iconic Disney Costume

    Target Features Model with Disabilities to Pitch Iconic Disney Costume

    Elsa’s exquisite, ice blue gown has been the go-to Halloween costume for little girls since Disney’s mega-hit Frozen graced the silver screen. Retailers nationwide watch happily as they fly off the shelves. This year, Target’s choice to feature a little girl with leg braces and forearm crutches as the ice queen in their Halloween-time advertisements has met…

  • The Art of Self Expression

    The Art of Self Expression

    Because disability spans all races, creeds, genders and orientations, Abilities Expo is very much a “slice of life.” While all attendees are members of a very large, but uniquely connected community, their individual diversity is especially apparent in the ways they choose to express themselves. Take the following group of Expo-goers, proudly distinguishing themselves through…

  • Medical Cannabis 101

    Medical Cannabis 101

    By Andrew Kuebbing, California Cannabis Advocates Trying medical marijuana for your condition can be a daunting prospect—maybe you had a bad experience in the past, or maybe there’s just too many options and you don’t know where to start. Cannabis medicine doesn’t have to be confusing, and with a few simple pieces of knowledge you can…

  • Disability Emoji Are Here!

    Disability Emoji Are Here!

    By Greg Smith, Sr., The Strength Coach iDiversicons, the world’s first diverse emoji keyboard has released new “Disability Pride Emoji” in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Fourteen disability emoji have been added to its existing line of diverse images that offer a new seamless iPhone and iPad keyboard. If these…

  • Disability Redefined

    Disability Redefined

    By Kim Lan Grout, Redefining Disabled Project Meet Kim and learn more about the Redefining Disabled Project at Abilities Expo Bay Area, November 21-23, 2014. My day starts before my two toddler girls wake and ends after they’ve laid their heads back down to dream. My husband and I are often left as puddles of…

  • An Open Letter to Restaurateurs and Restaurant Staff

    An Open Letter to Restaurateurs and Restaurant Staff

    By David Friedman, The Disabled Foodie I love eating out! I really do. Eating out lets me experience flavors, sights, and sounds from around the world. If the staff and restaurant have made for a good experience, I leave feeling satisfied, enriched, and even a little bit pampered. But, as an individual who uses a wheelchair,…

  • Experiencing Disability: A Mile in their Shoes

    Experiencing Disability: A Mile in their Shoes

    By Kindra French, Mobility 101 of San Diego When I was a little girl, my grandma used to say all kinds of things. She was a perpetual fountain of wise phrases: “When a task is once begun, never leave it ’til it’s done.” “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” “Go with God, and…

  • Extreme Accessibility

    Extreme Accessibility

    Brace yourself for this startling series of jaw-dropping Accessible Don’ts. Quick tip: They will be much funnier if you can ignore the larger implications that real people actually planned and executed these travesties of accessibility. We Don’t Recommend the Scenic Route From Spoon & Tamago. Oh, so many questions. For example…why? Wouldn’t it have made…

  • Design Matters for Accessible Fall Fashions

    Design Matters for Accessible Fall Fashions

    By Stephanie Alves, ABL Denim Whether it’s colored leaves falling or Indian summer in your part of the country, Fall inspires hitting that refresh button. New events, new opportunities, impending holidays and future gift giving can inspire some ideas that add dimension to life and relationships. How we dress can reflect on how we feel. People…

  • Festival of Abilities to Be Held at Oak Forest Park Benefiting a Playground for All Abilities

    Festival of Abilities to Be Held at Oak Forest Park Benefiting a Playground for All Abilities

    By Elyssa Horvath, Friends of Oak Forest Park An action-packed Festival is being held in Houston that will bring a sense of togetherness, inclusion and much needed joy while residents begin to recover and rebuild. The Festival of Abilities on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 3:00 – 7:00 pm, will benefit a landmark Playground for All Abilities…