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RAMPing up to Save Lives with Emergency RED BAG Movement

Whether you’re able-bodied or have a disability, the privacy of your health information is important. However, there may be situations when quick access to your health information could save your life. Tina Pedersen, founder and president of RAMP (Real Access Motivates Progress), hopes to create a way to help people with disabilities in emergencies.

RAMPing up to Save Lives with Emergency RED BAG Movement

Everything First Responders Need to Save Your Life

The RED BAG carrier initiative will provide first responders access to important medical details while keeping the individuals’ privacy intact. Pedersen, who uses a motorized wheelchair and has multiple conditions, understands firsthand the importance of being prepared. Tina carries her pouch, which is red, in her bag connected to her wheelchair at all times. Inside the red bag, she keeps her medication, a machine for her bladder, and a piece of paper which has her name, an emergency contact name and number, medications she’s allergic to and her insurance information. When Pedersen started working, she told her coworkers in case of an emergency, or if they called the rescue, to make sure her red pouch was with her.    

RAMPing up to Save Lives with Emergency RED BAG Movement

Recently, Pedersen saw in action how crucial this red bag could be—especially if you’re unable to speak for yourself in an emergency. She has a coworker who is also a red bag carrier. They only work one day a week together, and on their day together her coworker had a medical emergency. Pedersen knew she was a red bag carrier and was able to alert the paramedics. The EMT team knew which hospital to bring her to and was able to provide her with the appropriate care. Now, she is undergoing rehabilitation but expected to make a full recovery. Pedersen said her coworker’s private information never got out, and she was able to get the life- saving help she needed because of having her red bag on hand. It is not tech-based, which all emergency personnel loves. It’s quick easy access with no issues or barriers. 

Join the RED BAG movement! Be a RED BAG carrier—it could SAVE YOUR LIFE!

RAMPing up to Save Lives with Emergency RED BAG Movement

Step 1: Get a RED BAG!  You can purchase one on your own, or feel free to stop by the RAMP store and purchase one. Ours sell for $3.00 each. They come with a guide in the bag as to what to include in your bag. Your purchase not only save your life, but a bag gets donated to a group home or homeless facilities to save one of their lives. 

Step 2: Let your family, friends, and coworkers know you are a RED BAG carrier and instruct them to give it to a medical team in case of an emergency.

Step 3: Always keep the information updated!

Step 4: Spread the word to loved ones about the importance of becoming a RED BAG carrier. And in case of emergency, always look for the RED BAG.

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