Contact Abilities Expo

Thank you for your interest in Abilities Expo. Please contact us by phone, e-mail, mail or by submitting the form below.

Portfolio Director

Katy Roberts

(617) 861-4598

*Available Monday-Friday 6am – 3pm EST

[email protected]


(New companies should contact us at (424) 902-0041 and previous

exhibitors should contact their sales rep to reserve booth space.)

Valerie Teague

Sales Manager

Disability Resource Link

(424) 902-0041

[email protected]

Link to Bio

Julienne Dallara

Accessible Consulting

(818) 441-8948

[email protected]

Link to Bio

MaryJo Roberts

(818) 515-0552

[email protected]

Jack Tolworthy

(617) 351-8347

[email protected]

Maureen Tuncer

(727) 244-1425

[email protected]

Education/Events & Activities

United Spinal Abilities Expo Team

United Spinal Association

(718) 803-3782 x7209

[email protected]

Caitlin Patrick

Content Manager

(937) 701-8790

[email protected]

If you are interested in speaking at an Abilities Expo show, please visit these pages for more information:
- Present a Workshop
- Present an Event


Kevaleen Lara

Lara Consulting

(310) 210-3138

[email protected]


Debbie Barbieri

Tradeshow and Event Services

(714) 612-6565

[email protected]

For More Information

[email protected]

(617) 861-4598

(424) 238-6358

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