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Each By Name Strives for a More Inclusive Society
By Margarita Elizondo, CEO and Founder of Rolling With Me and Abilities Expo Ambassador Women with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and underserved populations in the world, even though they offer tremendous potential for leadership and ability to transform communities. Sadly there are strong links between poverty and disability which make women with disabilities more…
3 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Your Home More Accessible
By Paul Denikin Making a home environmentally friendly is often a separate topic from creating a disability-friendly home, but accessibility and eco-friendliness do not have to be mutually exclusive. It’s entirely possible to make home modifications that benefit both your family and the environment. If you’re looking to improve your home’s impact on the planet…
Colleges Resolve to Improve Employment Outlook for Students with Disabilities
By David Block When Temple University sophomore Katherine Gardner graduated from high school nearly 10 years ago, her biggest challenge working in retail was keeping her partial blindness a secret. “Every day, the context was, ‘I have to be careful because I don’t want to get fired today,’” said Gardner, 28. She never brought her…
Emotional Song Calls for People to See with their Hearts
By Annivar Salgado, United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Chicago Look Into My Eyes is a song that was written for children and adults with disabilities as a way to get all people to take a moment and look beyond the sometimes mangled wrappers in which we are all born. Look Into My Eyes: Origin Story The…
Eric LeGrand Featured in AT&T Beyond Limits Campaign
By Eric LeGrand, former Rutgers defensive tackle and motivational speaker Some say you never know what you can do until you do it. I say you never know what you can do until you believe you can do it. This philosophy guided me through childhood, my studies at Rutgers University and after the football injury that shifted my…
Limited Mobility Must Not Limit Exercise
By Victoria Abbott-Flemming, Burning Nights People with limited mobility can find it hard to exercise regularly for a number of reasons. Not only do they face physical challenges; it is also quite likely that they may be self-conscious about it, fearing that they might pick up an injury or feel intimidated. However, thanks to technological…
Experiencing Disability: A Mile in their Shoes
By Kindra French, Mobility 101 of San Diego When I was a little girl, my grandma used to say all kinds of things. She was a perpetual fountain of wise phrases: “When a task is once begun, never leave it ’til it’s done.” “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” “Go with God, and…
Extreme Accessibility
Brace yourself for this startling series of jaw-dropping Accessible Don’ts. Quick tip: They will be much funnier if you can ignore the larger implications that real people actually planned and executed these travesties of accessibility. We Don’t Recommend the Scenic Route From Spoon & Tamago. Oh, so many questions. For example…why? Wouldn’t it have made…
Facilitation with Service Dogs: What is it?
By Kristin Hartness, Canines for Disabled Kids Facilitation is when a person, usually a child under the age of 14, is placed in a 3-way service dog partnership. The child, the service dog, and a facilitator work together in public environments as a team. The team can work in public only when all 3 partners…
Design Matters for Accessible Fall Fashions
By Stephanie Alves, ABL Denim Whether it’s colored leaves falling or Indian summer in your part of the country, Fall inspires hitting that refresh button. New events, new opportunities, impending holidays and future gift giving can inspire some ideas that add dimension to life and relationships. How we dress can reflect on how we feel. People…
National Fall Prevention Awareness Week: How Tech Can Help
By Maricel Tabalba Coming up on September 22nd to the 28th is National Fall Prevention Awareness Week. This is a time to raise awareness about one of the biggest threats to the health of adults aged 65 and older. According to the CDC, an elderly person dies every 20 minutes due to a fall. This is especially…
Festival of Abilities to Be Held at Oak Forest Park Benefiting a Playground for All Abilities
By Elyssa Horvath, Friends of Oak Forest Park An action-packed Festival is being held in Houston that will bring a sense of togetherness, inclusion and much needed joy while residents begin to recover and rebuild. The Festival of Abilities on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 3:00 – 7:00 pm, will benefit a landmark Playground for All Abilities…