Home Manual Wheelchair Skills for Everyone

Manual Wheelchair Skills for Everyone




Fri, Sat, Sun


  • New York Metro 2025

What tricks do you use to get yourself off the ground? How are your curb-hopping skills? Are you able-bodied and want to learn some manual wheelchair skills? We can help! Brush up on old skills and learn new ones from others. The Manual Wheelchair Skills booth will be staffed with both manual wheelchair-users and able-bodied staff. Skills will include curb-hopping, fall recovery, wheelie management, wheelchair maintenance, and challenging transfers. Open to both wheelchair-users and able-bodied individuals. There will be several wheelchairs present for able-bodied individuals to try out these skills. Visit us for a personal “Learn New Skills” time where you can spend 15 dedicated minutes getting one-on-one assistance with a skill you’d like to master. Based on availability. Attendees can reserve specific times at the booth.

Learn more at empowersci.org.