Los Angeles

March 7-9, 2025

Los Angeles Convention Center, West Hall A

Fri. 11am-5pm | Sat. 11am-5pm | Sun 11am-4pm

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We get by with a little help from our furry friends

Here's what we did in 2018. Stay tuned for 2019!

Please check back three months
before the Expo for the new schedule.

Animals have become an intrinsic part of the disability community. Some are essential to the healing process, while others help their human partners become more independent.

Service Dogs

Assistance Dog

More than ever assistance dogs are meeting the needs of people with different disabilities. Meet several assistance dogs and their human partners. Watch them demonstrate the many ways they work together to achieve independence in various areas of their lives. Following the demo, join us to learn some of the basic commands for the dogs.

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