Home CBD 101 and What It Can Do for You

CBD 101 and What It Can Do for You

By Jolene Montgomery

In this day and age, the one thing we want certain is good health and well-being. Life is precious, so it’s moments should be spent enjoying—not in pain, not in worry, and certainly not restless.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock—and even if you have!—you’ve heard about the benefits of CBD for pain relief, relaxation and a good night’s sleep.

But first, a brief tutorial…

What Actually is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabidiol is just one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp as well as cannabis. Wait… cannabis, like pot? Yes—CBD is one of the many elements to take away from the cannabis and hemp plants, and can help play a positive role in your life for a great mood, feeling, and mindset throughout the day.

The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in regulating a variety of functions including sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response.
The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.

Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.

“It’s promising in a lot of different therapeutic avenues because it’s relatively safe,” said James MacKillop, co-director of McMaster University’s Michael G. DeGroote Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research in Hamilton, Ontario.

Up in the wee hours of the night, stuck watching videos of bunnies and kittens? CBD may be promising as a sleep aid; one of the side effects of the Epidiolex (cannabidiol) trials for epilepsy was drowsiness, according to MacKillop, a co-author of a review on cannabinoids and sleep. “If you are looking for new treatments for sleep, that may be a clue,” MacKillop says.

Where to Turn for CBD, without the THC?

Inflamade is a wellness brand that has been helping people live better since 2018. They only use pure CBD derived from hemp, meaning means there is no THC, and no psychoactive effects.

Inflamade has been working with CBD for the last 8 years and has seen thousands of people positively impacted by plant medicine. Through their presence at Abilities Expo, they have reached out into the disability community, empowering others to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The organization knows how important it is to feel good about what you are putting in and on your body, and has recently reformulated their Pain Relief CBD Cream to make it completely clean and paraben free. Completely free of THC, Inflamade products are safe for sports, work, drug tests and are even pet friendly.

“I’ve had Chron’s disease for 12 years and the cramps that come with it,” said Toby. “The crème has been nothing but magic for the cramps. Within minutes the intensity decreases to half or less. I have tried tons of products but nothing comes close to this.”

Others living with pain, soreness, and tight muscles and joints have benefitted from Inflamade products as well. “I spent last night writhing in paid,” said Julienne. I applied the crème to my hurt leg right away and the horrible burning instantly went away. I love that it doesn’t smell like pot.

The healing and anti-inflammatory properties of Pure CBD are especial impactful for the disability community and can be help in decreasing the use of prescribed medication. “The CBD oil has helped me in so many ways,” according to Sylvia. “My arthritis is better, I’m sleeping better, my anxiety level is so much better, and I stopped taking Ambien.” Of course, always consult your physician before making any substitutions.

Look for them online at inflamade.com and at any of the 2021 Abilities Expos. They look forward to meeting you at booth 617 this weekend, August 6-8 at NRG Center in Houston. If you are ordering online, use code Abilities20 for 20% off your first order.

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