Home Fit Grips: High Performance Tool to Jazz Up Your Chair

Fit Grips: High Performance Tool to Jazz Up Your Chair

Attention class, it’s time for Wheelchair History 101. In the BFG times, (Before Fit Grips) there were grey metal hand rims or black rubber hand rims. The grey got slippery when wet and the black got too hot to touch during the summer. Then came anodized hand rims in an assortment of colors which were great! Cool! A great way to accessorize! Except when they were invariably nicked, the grey metal showed through and they still had the potential to be hot, slippery and expensive. But they were pretty!

Enter five-time Paralympic medalist Josh George. Josh fine tunes all of his equipment to perform at peak levels. Off the track, Josh has been dedicated to working with IntelliWheels to develop products that help maximize the performance of wheelchairs and wheelchair users. Seeing an opportunity for improvement, Josh helped to develop Fit Grips.

Fit Grips Are Ingeniously Designed to Fit Hand, Style and Budget

IntelliWheels’ Fit Grips is an alternative that is flexible, doesn’t get hot or slippery and, best of all, is inexpensive. By only wrapping 3/4 of the way around the push rim, Fit Grips provide extra grip on the pushing surface leaving the underside exposed for fine adjustments and braking. The rubber circle fits around the circumference of any standard wheelchair wheel from 24″ – 26″. They come in a wide variety of colors to match whatever mood you are in and cost a mere $75. They are an answer to an accessorizer’s dream as well as solving many pusher’s problems.

In rehab facilities, it is common to see wheelchair push rims wrapped in Theraband to improve grip support for people with difficulties gripping and pushing. The Fit Grips perform the same function, but do it better and with great style—and in many colors. They also increase the circumference of the hand rim, which IntelliWheels says may minimize hand strain. Once the PTs, OTs and physiatrists discover that they have a longer-lasting option to the improvised Theraband wrapping, Fit Grips may just be seen all over!

IntelliWheels also sells other innovative products, including the sWeel, which they advertise is “the lightest wheel on the planet.”

For more on the IntelliWheels Fit Grips and other products, visit www.Intelliwheels.net.

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