Home Trexo Home Puts Kids on their Feet and Helps Them Walk

Trexo Home Puts Kids on their Feet and Helps Them Walk

By Dina Nikitina, Trexo Robotics

With his head down, Adrian was amazed by the movement of his feet. Something, not someone, was moving his feet in a smooth rhythmic gait. With each step, he was pushing himself forward. Lifting his head with a big smile on his face, Adrian realized he was walking all by himself with the assistance of a Trexo Home.

Smiles and cheers were heard at a recent NAPA Center open house. With more than 12 kids trying the device in two days, families were astonished to see their kids quickly get into the Trexo and take a hundred to two hundred steps in less than 10 minutes.

Trexo will make its Abilities Expo debut at the upcoming San Mateo Expo on October 25-27. With the medium and large devices in hand, Trexo is excited to offer demo sessions to families who visit them in the exhibition hall.

Trexo helps kids with disabilities stay active and healthy

Trexo Robotics was born out of a deeply personal experience that Trexo’s CEO, Manmeet Maggu, and his family faced when his nephew, Praneit, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They learned that his case of cerebral palsy was severe enough to affect his ability to walk, sit and stand. This was when they realized that he would spend a large part of his life in a wheelchair and learned of many negative health effects associated with inactivity.

While this was happening, Manmeet was a student at the University of Waterloo studying Mechatronics Engineering. Together with his friend Rahul Udasi, they decided to build a solution to assist children like Praneit with walking. What started as a passion project quickly turned into an exciting new venture with the possibility of changing the lives of thousands of children. In 2016, they finally managed to bring an early version of the Trexo prototype to India for Praneit to try. “It was an incredibly proud moment for us,” Manmeet recalls with a smile on his face. That was one of the first milestones Trexo Robotics reached as a company.

In January 2019, Trexo begun taking pre-orders for the Trexo Home to help children walk daily in the comfort of their own home.

Trexo Home is your personal robotic gait trainer

Since their humble beginning in 2016, the Trexo Home has been used to provide support to a wide range of children with a variety of conditions including cerebral palsy (GMFCS III – IV), muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy and other conditions which lead to gross motor control impairments. As a number of devices are being used regularly by families and several clinics, they have also started seeing the effects of regular walking on children.

Many Trexo Home parents are excited to share that their kids are developing a more natural gait, have a stronger core and improved trunk control, more frequent bowel movements, improved sleep and more energy, among others. While each child takes something different away from the Trexo, it is becoming clear that regular walking with the Trexo has enormous benefits for their bodies.

Is the Trexo Home right for you child? Try it!

With two robotic legs attached to a Dynamic Rifton Pacer, the Trexo provides additional support to get your child to take physiologically correct steps and go further than they thought was possible. This robotic walker can be adjusted and set-up for each user based on their unique needs. Additionally, Trexo’s features allow it to be adjusted to accommodate for spasticity and muscle tone, contractures and provide trunk and weight bearing support.

Book a time for your child to try the Trexo today by completing this form or visit them at booth #241 at the San Mateo Abilities Expo, October 25-27.

For more information, visit www.trexorobotics.com.

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