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  • Team USA Wins Back-to-Back World Championship

    Team USA Wins Back-to-Back World Championship

    In early November, all the eyes of the power soccer world were on Paris, France as the Halle Carpentier hosted the 2011 Federation International Power Football Association (FIPFA) World Cup. Team USA was primed and ready to defend their world championship against worthy opponents from nine other countries. In an exciting final match-up against England, Team…

  • Embracing the Zen with Adaptive Yoga

    Embracing the Zen with Adaptive Yoga

    It seemed to happen overnight, constantly running into fellow co-eds on my University of San Francisco campus who were either a hot sweaty mess or all Zen’d out or both. Only about a year after my above-the-knee amputation, I considered myself very active and was ever eager to find new sports and movements I could…

  • Is Our Addiction Policy Needlessly Killing People?

    Is Our Addiction Policy Needlessly Killing People?

    By Mel Raymond, Health writer Within the disability community, we are no strangers to the idea that our health services and government do not always have entirely the right idea when it comes to those in need. For reasons of private profit, misplaced ethics, or simple ignorance, those with disabilities or chronic diseases frequently experience…

  • Does Advocacy Really Make a Difference?

    Does Advocacy Really Make a Difference?

    By Mickae Lee, National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART) All advocacy action begins not just with acknowledging that change is needed, but also believing that change is possible. In the world of Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) we know without a doubt that access to innovative technology for individuals with disabilities is an ever-growing…

  • Flying the Friendly Skies with a Disability

    Flying the Friendly Skies with a Disability

    By Autumn Grant, Abilities Expo Ambassador Traveling for pleasure can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Sure, a mobility disability can often add a layer of complexity to this endeavor, but nothing insurmountable. A little planning on your part goes a long way towards making your adventure an enjoyable one. Often the most challenging…

  • Use-Now Pointers to Ensure Smooth Air Travel

    Use-Now Pointers to Ensure Smooth Air Travel

    By Tabassum Chagani, Travel for All I’ve flown all over the world, and it just so happens that I travel in a wheelchair. Air travel can be uncomfortable for many people—with or without a wheelchair, but maybe my tips can help! Be Prepared with an Air Travel Routine I like to arrive at the airport 90…

  • Popular Houston Festival to Fund Accessible Playground

    Popular Houston Festival to Fund Accessible Playground

    By Elyssa Horvath, Friends of Oak Forest Park The Festival of Abilities at Oak Forest Park on Saturday, October 27, from 3-7 pm benefits a landmark Playground for All Abilities, planned as part of the Oak Forest Park Revitalization. It will be the first accessible playground in Houston’s central northwest area stretching from the Heights…

  • Amputee Soccer? Amputee Soccer Absolutely!

    Amputee Soccer? Amputee Soccer Absolutely!

    It’s the fastest one-legged game on the planet—now played in 47 countries around the world. And Team USA is training to compete in the 2018 Amputee Soccer World Cup in Guadalajara, Mexico this fall. And please don’t make the mistake of dismissing the game as “disability” soccer. It’s fast, it’s physical and it’s highly competitive.…

  • It’s Okay to Ask for Help

    It’s Okay to Ask for Help

    By Lauren Dyer, Spiritual Meditation Mama I don’t know about you, but I have a problem asking for help. This just became a realization to me in the past few weeks. In my coaching practice I talk and teach a lot about limiting beliefs and blocks in our life and how to overcome these. You would…

  • A Child With Autism Reaches Out

    A Child With Autism Reaches Out

    A Poem by Berg Two and a half years ago, 7-year-old Berg came to Horse Boy World burdened with a diagnosis of PDD-NOS and selective mutism. Virtually non-verbal, she rarely made eye contact, would tense her body into a stiff leg/back posture, would avoid all body contact and suffered from regular, long-lasting meltdowns. She lived…

  • The New Horse Boy Method…Sans Horses

    The New Horse Boy Method…Sans Horses

    By Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz, Horse Boy World For those who read about Horse Boy Method in the August 2012 issue of The Buzz, we have some updates to share with you. As you may know, Horse Boy Method addresses Autism, not as a problem to be fixed, but as a skill set and…

  • Not Just Monkeying Around—Consider the Benefits of a Helping Hands Service Monkey

    Not Just Monkeying Around—Consider the Benefits of a Helping Hands Service Monkey

    By Megan Talbert, Helping Hands Monkey Helpers Editor’s note: For 41 years, Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers trained capuchin monkeys to provide assistance to people with disabilities and they continue to support the human-monkey teams that they have already placed. Due to a number of federal and state laws that prohibit primates in homes, they are…