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  • Finding Purpose in a Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Diagnosis

    Finding Purpose in a Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Diagnosis

    By Molly D’Angelo I’d guess that every parent these days is aware of the phenomenon known as “mom shaming.” Social media gives us unprecedented access to other families’ daily lives. I’ve been a mom for 18 years and judgement over other moms’ choices to breastfeed or formula feed, work or stay at home, and using…

  • Reeve Foundation Leads the Pack in Resources and Support for People with Paralysis

    Reeve Foundation Leads the Pack in Resources and Support for People with Paralysis

    By Rita Gentles, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation provides a National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) that offers a wide range of FREE programs, resources and support systems for those affected by paralysis. The pulse of the NPRC is our Information Specialists who are trained to help anyone—from newly-paralyzed individuals and their family members to…

  • Save energy and reduce stress: Accessible spaces do both

    Save energy and reduce stress: Accessible spaces do both

    By Julie Sawchuk, Sawchuk Accessible Solutions Five years ago, I attended Abilities Expo Toronto, anxiously looking for answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. What I found was an incredible amount of information about accessible travel, different types of mobility devices, assistive equipment, evacuation chairs and examples of accessible public transportation (just to name…

  • Bella’s Bumbas Gives the Gift of Mobility to Kids Across the Globe

    Bella’s Bumbas Gives the Gift of Mobility to Kids Across the Globe

    Though the Webster, NY-based non-profit has only been in existence for five years, Bella’s Bumbas LTD. has made its presence known worldwide as they assist children facing mobility challenges. Its grass roots mission all began after Isabella (Bella) was born into the family with a diagnosis of Spina Bifida in 2015. Rebecca and Marty Parzynski, Bella’s Great…

  • 5 Myths and Facts about School Supports (504 Plans and IEPs)

    5 Myths and Facts about School Supports (504 Plans and IEPs)

    By Sarah Kesty, Executive Function Coach IEPs and 504 plan meetings can be overwhelming. The jargon, the fast pace, the emotional components all mix together to create some confusing moments. After helping families for nearly 20 years, I’ve realized there are lingering misunderstandings about special education. Here, I share the top 5 myths and some…

  • Grow your Savings: Open a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) Today!

    Grow your Savings: Open a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) Today!

    The Government of Canada understands that long-term financial security is a real concern for people with disabilities and their families. What is a RDSP? Created in 2008, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) supports persons with disabilities, their families and loved ones save for the future. The RDSP is a long-term savings plan, which allows…

  • Building Your Employ-Ability

    Building Your Employ-Ability

    Access 2 Accessibility (A2A), a Canadian non-profit created November 13, 2017, is a central resource hub for people with disabilities and older adults. A2A delivers programs based upon empowerment of people with disabilities, focusing on their strengths and abilities, over their disabilities. In 2019, Carol-Ann Chafe and Mary Daniel created their “Building Your Employ-Ability” (BYEA)…

  • Do You Need to Disclose a Disability in a Job Interview?

    Do You Need to Disclose a Disability in a Job Interview?

    By Adrian Johansen Living with a disability shouldn’t be a hurdle to a meaningful career. Yet, it is not unusual to feel as though you need to be cautious about disclosing to potential employers. This may be through concerns about conscious or unconscious bias in hiring decisions. It could also simply be the case you…

  • A Disabled Driver’s Guide to Car Buying

    A Disabled Driver’s Guide to Car Buying

    Elizabeth Long Having the ability to get yourself where you need to be, enjoy your hobbies and be able to see friends is a huge source of happiness and fulfillment. It gives you a sense of freedom and independence, and is also vital in reducing reliance on other people when you make plans. For some…

  • High Levels of Heavy Metals Found in Popular Baby Foods Linked to Autism

    High Levels of Heavy Metals Found in Popular Baby Foods Linked to Autism

    By Jonathan Sharp, Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. The study “What’s in My Baby Food?” conducted by the non-profit organization Healthy Babies Bright Futures in 2019, which found that up to most of the baby food on the market contains a high concentration of at least one dangerous heavy metal, led to a more in-depth investigation during…

  • Auti Angel: Heaven’s Newest Angel

    Auti Angel: Heaven’s Newest Angel

    By Lew Shomer Our Cherub Angel has now transitioned to become our Guardian Angel, as we observe the passing of our dear friend, Auti Angel. We cannot use words to describe our grief but can only relay the impact that Auti has had on the lives of so many. So many, that only experiences can…

  • 3 Ways for Caregivers to Promote Independence for Adults with Disabilities

    3 Ways for Caregivers to Promote Independence for Adults with Disabilities

    By Adrian Johansen There are 61 million adults in the U.S. living with some kind of disability. However, that certainly doesn’t mean 61 million adults aren’t able to function or have their independence. Those dealing with a disability often want the same type of independent lifestyle as everyone else— even if they require the help of a…