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  • Parenting with A Disability – Good Support Makes All the Difference

    Parenting with A Disability – Good Support Makes All the Difference

    By Jennifer Dawson There are over 4 million U.S. parents with disabilities with children under the age of 18. Nonetheless, many adults who live with a disability may not feel confident in becoming a parent themselves. However, surrounding yourself with a strong, solid support system will make the transition to parenthood easier, and it will also be a major…

  • The Pathway to Eating Disorder Recovery

    The Pathway to Eating Disorder Recovery

    By Tracy Williams According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, at least 30 million Americans of all ages and genders experience an eating disorder. People with disabilities experience unique stressors that may put them at increased risk of developing an eating disorder. According to the National Association of Eating Disorders, diagnosed eating disorders…

  • Access to AbilitiesVE2 Extended to Dec. 13!

    Access to AbilitiesVE2 Extended to Dec. 13!

    To the thousands of people who joined us online at Abilities Virtual Experience 2, thank you for participating and for your wonderful feedback. We are thrilled that you enjoyed the event as much as we enjoyed creating it. To everyone, especially the ones who have not yet logged on, the clock is ticking! We would…

  • EP Magazine: A Trusted Resource for Families with Disabilities Celebrates 50 Years

    EP Magazine: A Trusted Resource for Families with Disabilities Celebrates 50 Years

    By Faye Simon, EP Magazine EP Magazine will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021! We invite families touched by special needs to celebrate with us. Get “EP For Free” as well the monthly newsletter to read all the helpful articles and resources. Just go to www.epmagazine.com and sign up. We want to thank all the organizations…

  • Planning Accessible Holiday Activities During Coronavirus

    Planning Accessible Holiday Activities During Coronavirus

    By Adrian Johansen The holiday season is right around the corner. Typically, that means getting together with family and friends and celebrating. But, it’s no secret that this year looks different. Thanks to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, holidays may have to be different for people all over the country. It’s still important that…

  • Star-studded Lineup to Amaze at Abilities Virtual Experience 2

    Star-studded Lineup to Amaze at Abilities Virtual Experience 2

    A thousand years ago, back in June of this year, we launched our inaugural Abilities Virtual Experience. Many of you attended this online affair, and we were as grateful for your support as we were for your candid feedback. Without that, we would not have the impressive, immersive and interactive Abilities Virtual Experience 2 coming your way…

  • Parenting with a Disability: Reflections from a Quad Mom

    Parenting with a Disability: Reflections from a Quad Mom

    By Dani Izzie In May 2019, I made an appointment for a consultation with a high-risk obstetrician to discuss the risks of pursuing pregnancy as a quadriplegic woman. At the time, I was still in a mental space where I questioned if I could handle parenthood: “How can I take care of a child if…

  • NEADS Needs Your Support to Train Service Dogs

    NEADS Needs Your Support to Train Service Dogs

    By Sarah Best, Abilities Expo Ambassador Hi there! My name is Sarah and the 4-legged furry guy that you see? His name is Edison and he is my service dog. Together, he and I are on a mission. We are rolling 7 miles by the end of this week as part of the Falmouth Road…

  • Go Outside and Play: Accessible Activities from a Social Distance

    Go Outside and Play: Accessible Activities from a Social Distance

    By Adrian Johansen Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, you’ve likely spent even more time than usual inside your residence. If you’re itching to get outdoors, these accessible activities are the perfect way to enjoy nature while still adhering to social distancing guidelines. Spending time outdoors offers myriad physical, mental and emotional benefits. But,…

  • En Garde!: Tales of Triumph from a Wheelchair Fencer

    En Garde!: Tales of Triumph from a Wheelchair Fencer

    By Jonathan Collins I am Jonathan Collins and this is my story of how the empowering sport of wheelchair fencing changed my life, my health and helped me lunge out of my comfort zone. I am 31 years old. I was born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, I am wheelchair dependent and I have had…

  • 5 Steps to Write a Successful Disability Appeal Letter

    5 Steps to Write a Successful Disability Appeal Letter

    By Daniela McVicker If your disability claims have been denied, you will usually still have the option to write an appeal letter to support your claims. After you have considered your options for the appeal and contacted your lawyer, it is crucial to understand how to put that letter together. The reality of the situation…

  • Wheelchair Basketball and the First Push for Disability Rights

    Wheelchair Basketball and the First Push for Disability Rights

    By David Davis, author of Wheels of Courage Thirty years ago, on July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) on the South Lawn of the White House. The landmark legislation prohibited discrimination on the basis of disability in every aspect of society: employment, housing, transportation, and telecommunications. “America welcomes…